Sunday, April 4, 2010

much love monday [word on the street]

Apart from what is obviously stated in the above photo, I also ♥ yellow tights, interesting street art, Photoshop actions (such a time saver!), and walking around a usually-busy area on a public holiday (when it's so calm in contrast).
Some more sights from the quiet walk I took yesterday.

If you want to join me in Much Love Monday*, please do! Here's how:
1. Do a blog post that includes a picture of a heart and mention one thing you love.
2. Leave a link of your blog post in the McKlinky space below.**
3. Put in the thing you love in the form's title space. That way it creates a list of what everyone loves, instead of a list of blog titles.
* You don't have to do the post on a Monday, I just collect the links on this day.
**Please leave the link AFTER you've done the post. Thanks! :)