Sunday, February 6, 2011

much love monday

Camera: Wide lens Superheadz. Film: Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia 200

Love: hearing an old favourite song at the supermarket (hiya Spice Girls!)....  spending an extra minute in the cereal aisle just becomes a tad less boring.
Oh, and another thing I love: seeing on my blog's sidebar that I now have 2000 followers on Google Friend Connect alone! THANK YOU!

What are you loving?
To join in Much Love Monday, simply do a blog post that includes a picture of a heart and mention something you love. Then leave a link of your blog post in the space below, by clicking on the "Add your link" button. A link back would be much appreciated. 
You can also add your Much Love Monday photos to the Much Love Monday Flickr pool.

P.S. I'm trying out a new linking tool. Hopefully it works fine, but if for any reason it doesn't (and do let me know), you can leave your blog link in the comments instead.