Tuesday, June 1, 2010

new items, new look

click each image to go to the Etsy page

After a bit of a break from jewellery making, I'm slowly getting back into it and have added some new necklaces in the Etsy shop. My item photos used to be very plain, the usual necklace on a blank background style, which started to get boring and wasn't doing me nor the shop much good. So I thought I'd be more creative this time and have fun with the photoshoots instead. A few vintage props here and there and a little more effort in the editing, and I'm much happier with the results! I actually enjoy the photography process, so I have no idea why I never did this before.

I'm playing with the idea of offering a photo print of the item with every purchase. So the buyer would not only get a necklace, but a nice photo print of it too. What do you think? Interesting? Or just a weird idea? I'm not sure.

Much Love shop